Living world in today's has a large size. The world has been reproducing and evolving since the study time of yhe origin of the earth. Today a large number of living organisms are present in in all parts of world.
The distribution of organisms in Space can be studied through biomaes.
" A
A Biome is large regional community, primarily determined by climates."
There are certain major types of plants in each biome. These plants determine the other kind of plants and animals.
Therefore, these biomEs are named on basis of types of major plants or major features of the ecosystem. Example of biome is temperate conifer Forest Biome.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Living world in time's ( age of organisms)
Different organisms were formed and dominated during different periods ofbthe geological time chart.
- Study Of Fossil: fossil are dead remains of the the past organisms. The discovery and study of fossil provides evidence about the existence of these organisms.
- Formation of a time Sequence: The study of fossil allows biologists to place organisms in time Sequence . The fossil of these organisms are present in layers in a rock. When a geological time passed , new layers of sediments were performed. The older organisms moved to deeper layers or sediments were performed. The older organisms moved to deeper layers or sediments l (layer). Therefore, the sequence of the layers was not disturbed.
- Date/age of rock: age of rockbcan be determined by comparing the amount of certain radioactive isotopes present in it. The older sediments have less radioactive isotopes than the younger sediments. This comparison of layers gives relative age of the fossil found in this rock. Therefore, the fossils found in that same layer must be alive in the same geological period.
There are 4 era in Geological Time chart,
Each are has periods.
- Proterozoic era has no period.
- Plaeozoic era has 6 periods, Cambrain, ordovacian, siluriun, devoniun, carbonefarius and Permiun.
- Mesozoic: era has 3 periods: Triassic, Jurassic, Creataceous.
- Canozoic: has 2 periods: Tertiary and Quaternary.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Believe in your pollution Control skills but never stop improving
Biology has helped mankind to control pollution. The biologists are trying to find the solution to protect the environment.
- The biologists have made it obligatory fir the industrial to treat the industrial effluent.
- The biologists are using the techniques of bioremedation. The removal or the degradation of the environmental pollutionts or toxic materials ny living organism is called bioremedation. For Example: algae reduce pollution of heavy metals by Biosorption.
- Tge biologists are preparing the lists of the endangered species of plants and animals. The species that are near to extinct are called endangered species. If they are not protected , they will soon become extinct. Therefore, biologists are stressing the need of their protection.
- Thank you!
Protection Nad Conversation Of Environment
Industrialization has raised the standard of living. At the same time it has destroyed our environment . These industries are producing the tons of industrial wastes of effluents (waste) in solid, liquid, or gas forms. These wates pullouts our environment. Environmental pollution has reached at alarming leave in some countries, the contamination of environment with harmful and unwanted chemical is called pollution.
Effects of Pollution:
Effects of Pollution:
- These effluent contains the large amount of vtoxid and carcinogenic ( cancer causing) materials.
- Heavy metals like led from automobiles and chromium from tenneries are destroying human and all other organisms health.
- There is a loss of components of bio from the world ecosystem due to environmental pollution. If this contain for longer time, the environment will not support life on this planet.
- Thank you!
In 10 Minutes, I'll Give You The Truth About Cloning in bio study
The production of the genetically identical copies of the organism or cells by by sexual reproduction is called cloning. Cloning is a technology for achieving eugenic aims ( improving genes of Human . A Clone is defined as a cell or individual and all it's asexual produced identical offspring. All members of a clone or genetically identical expect when mutation ( Change ) occurs.
Generally, no normal animal can reproduce naturally cloning. Sometimes some insects and many plants produce clone under certain circumstances. But they do not produce clone regularly.
Procedure of Cloning:
Scientists in Scotland a sheep in 1997. Some other mammalian species like mice and cow have been cloned . TWO producers are adopted for cloning.
Embryo Cloning:
It is an other type of cloning. In this case, there is division of single or early embcryo into one or more separate embryos. Each embryo develops a new identical clone. Same process produced identical twins.
The offspring of this type of Cloning are genetically identical . But they cary chromosoms of the both parents. This type of the cloning is used for producing identical cattle and other form of animals.
" Importance of Cloning"
Thank you!
Generally, no normal animal can reproduce naturally cloning. Sometimes some insects and many plants produce clone under certain circumstances. But they do not produce clone regularly.
Procedure of Cloning:
Scientists in Scotland a sheep in 1997. Some other mammalian species like mice and cow have been cloned . TWO producers are adopted for cloning.
- Organism Cloning:
- Nucleus from a fertilized egg is removed.
- An other nucleus from a fully developed individual is taken. This nucleus is inserted into the fertilized egg.
- The altered zygote is implanted in a suitable womb. It complets its development there. The new individual formed is a genetically identical clone of the individual who's nucleus was used . In this way cloning can make multiple ( many ) copies of a desired genotype.
Embryo Cloning:
It is an other type of cloning. In this case, there is division of single or early embcryo into one or more separate embryos. Each embryo develops a new identical clone. Same process produced identical twins.
The offspring of this type of Cloning are genetically identical . But they cary chromosoms of the both parents. This type of the cloning is used for producing identical cattle and other form of animals.
" Importance of Cloning"
- There are commercially valuable animals of known pedigree. Man can produce such animals by cloning like hours, etc
- Some biologists are trying to clone human embryo. It can be used to donor for the transplant of organs. There is much controversy to clone human or not.
Thank you!
How Branches of Biology Made Me A Better Salesperson
Biology is a vast subject/BLOG. It include very aspect of life. This subject contain a very large numbers of information and instructions. Therefore , this natural science is also divided into TWo number of major branch. Thus we comprehend and the study of Biology to much easily.
Some of these branch are:
- Ecology: Ecology is the study of relationship of an organisms with his environment.
- Embryology: Embryology is the study of development of an embryo till it is hatched or borne. Embryo is the development stages of an organisms from zygote (fertilized egg) ti it is hatched or borne.
- Physiology: physiology is the study of function of different parts of an organisms.
- Morphology: Morphology iz the study of form and structure of different parts of organisms.
- Histology: histology isvthe study of tissues of an organisms. For Example:/ study of iris, lens and corneas of human eye's. Tissues is a group of similar cells, having same origin and performing same function.
- Anatomy: anatomy is the study of internal organs of an organisms. It is also called internal Morphology. Organ is a group of different tissues, performing same function. For Example: study of Eye's.
- Paleontology: paleontology is the study of fossil fuels and their relation with the evolution is called Paleontology. " the dead organisms of theComputers living organisms or their imprints, preserved in the rocks are called fossil". Fossil are used for the study of evolution and Paleontology.
- Evolution: Evolution is the formation of more advance and complex organisms from simple ancestors through gradual changes.
- Genetisi: Genetic is the study of transfer of the hereditary character from the to the offspring.
- Zoogeogrophy: Zoogeography is the study of distribution of the animals different regions of the earth.
- Molecular Biology: Molecular Biology is the study of structure of organisms cells and their organelles at molecular level.
- Environmental Biology: Environmental Biology is the study of organisms in relation of their environment. This relationship includes interactions between the organisms and their inorganic and organic environments. This interaction especially relates to the human activities.
- Micro Biology: Microbiology is the study of microorganism like bacteria, viruses, protozoa , microscopic algae and fungi.
- Freshwater Biology: Freshwater Biology is the study of organisms living in the freshwater bodies are like river, lakes etc.
- Marine Biology: Marine Biology is the study of life in sea and ocean's. Thjs study includes study of marine. Life of physical and chemical parameters if sea side. These parameters act as Factor fir Marine Life.
- Paristology: The study of parasites is called Paristology. The structure mod of transmission, life histories and host-parasite relationship are studied in this branch.
- Human Biology: The study of man is called Human Biology. Thus branch includes study study of form and structure, function, histology, anatomy, morphology, evolution, genetics, cell biology and ecology of Human Being.
- Social Biology: Social Biology is the study of social behavior communal life of Human Being.
See u in next articles.
Thank you!
Saturday, April 14, 2018
The Ultimate Secret of Biology
"The study of living things is called biology"_
The literal translation and meaning of Biology is that the study of life. Biology is a branch of science. We'll understand the nature of world with the help of bio study.
The biologists can study the living-things and non-living things in affecting the living things.
......... the biologists try to understand , Explain and integrate the world of all living thing's.
It is very very difficult to define the life in world. There are also different aspects of life in wor. Some aspects are beyond the scope of study in bio. .... Some of such important Question are like..
- What is the meaning of life?
- Why should there be life?
» according to biologists.
"Life has set of characteristics in world. The characteristic distinguish the living organisms from non living things ( also known as dead organisms) .
»» these characteristics are:
- The living organisms are highly organized strong.
- They have also complex structure.
- In there body cels are also one or more.
- They contain genetic programs (genes) of their characteristic.
- They can acquire and use energy fir living.
- They carry out and control many chemical reactions.
- They can grow in size.
- They can maintain constant internal environment.
- They also produce of spring with similar to themselves.
- They also respond to change in environment.
"We'll talk about other biological studies in next articles". Thanks!
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